Saturday, October 29, 2005

This is not the Kings Cross United website...

...this is my personal online diary, that I started after 7th July. You can scroll down to the very bottom of the page to find the archived entries starting on July 7th ( the website template is a little out of kilter and I am getting advice on how to fix it).

Kings Cross United, (which now numbers 60 since our taregted media awareness blitz, designed to let fellow-passengers know we exist was executed over a 24 hour period Tuesday 25th last week) , has its own PRIVATE website and email group.

If you were on the Piccadilly line train which was bombed, you can email and one of the Kings Cross United passengers will get back to you and invite you to join our private website and email group, that is not accessible to anyone apart from those who are members of Kings Cross United, the group of fellow passengers who were on the 8.50am Piccadilly line train leaving Kings Cross on 7th July.

Well-wishers, Scientologists, personal injury lawyers, PR people and a very great many journalists have also taken to emailing the address.

Please note, we did a small amount of carefully chosen work with the media, choosing outlets ( mags, TV , radio) carefully designed to reach people who were traveling on the train so we could let them know that we existed. We've achieved that now, and all other media is being declined. We appreciate the best wishes of people who have contacted us but ask that you leave the email address solely for the people who were actually involved on the day - that can include rescue workers as well - as the address is being manned by volunteers ( all survivors) and it is a lot of work.

You can always leave a comment on this blog and I will forward it to the Kings Cross United members




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that you were very brave and strong inside even though something terrifying had just happened.

October 30, 2005 6:06 am  

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